SuperCollider Book

19 April 2011

I am very happy to finally see

The SuperCollider Book

available for purchase.

As a co-author of the chapters Ins and Outs: SuperCollider and External Devices, Object Modeling, Sonification and Auditory Display in SuperCollider, I am quite excited! Additionally, I’d like to advertise the Microsound chapter by Alberto de Campo, it is a beautifully written practical introduction into, well, microsound, i.e.~granular synthesis, textures, etc.

The book is available at all the usual book services, and there is even a homepage where you can download the code examples.

The SuperCollider Book

Edited by Scott Wilson, David Cottle and Nick Collins

SuperCollider is the most important domain-specific audio programming language of the last decade, with potential applications that include real-time interaction, installations, electroacoustic pieces, generative music, and audiovisuals. The SuperCollider Book is the essential reference to this powerful and flexible language, offering students and professionals a collection of tutorials, essays, and projects. [With contributions from top academics, artists, and technologists that cover topics at levels from the introductory to the specialized, it will be a valuable sourcebook both for beginners and for advanced users.]

SuperCollider, first developed by James McCartney, is an accessible blend of Smalltalk, C, and further ideas from a number of programming languages. Free, open-source, cross-platform, and with a diverse and supportive developer community, it is often the first programming language sound artists and computer musicians learn. The SuperCollider Book is the long-awaited guide to the design, syntax, and use of the SuperCollider language. The first chapters offer an introduction to the basics, including a friendly tutorial for absolute beginners, providing the reader with skills that can serve as a foundation for further learning. Later chapters cover more advanced topics and particular topics in computer music, including programming, sonification, spatialization, microsound, GUIs, machine listening, alternative tunings, and non-real-time synthesis; practical applications and philosophical insights from the composer’s and artist’s perspectives; and “under the hood,” developer’s-eye views of SuperCollider’s inner workings. A Web site accompanying the book offers code, download links to the application itself and its source code, and a variety of third-party extras, extensions, libraries, and examples.[ mitpress ]

Address = {Cambridge},
Editor = {Wilson, S. and Cottle, D. and Collins, N.},
Publisher = {MIT Press},
Title = {The SuperCollider Book},
Year = {2011}}
680 pp.
420 figures, 41 tables
$45.00/£33.95 (CLOTH)
ISBN-10: 0-262-23269-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-262-23269-2